Allow your eyes and mind to wander freely through these biospheres. Lose yourself alongside fantastical creatures and the wonders of the manifested imagined.
The Marsh of Eadori
2023 || Cast Bronze, Epoxy Clay, Foam, Pastels, Crushed Glass
The Muridorn Wastes
2023 || Cast Bronze, Epoxy Clay, Foam, Pastels, Crushed Glass
The Cliffs of Tiernoch
2023 || Cast Bronze, Epoxy Clay, Foam, Pastels, Crushed Glass
A collection of mythic realms filled with creatures of curiosity. I began this series as an experiment in actualizing the imagined.
Each of the bronzes comes from a unique hand-carved wax model, which is sacrificed in the casting process. These bronze beings carry echoes of ancient legends, conjuring visions of the unknown and the unknowable. As such, they offer an escape from the mundane. They invite you, the viewer, into a moment of respite from reality – to look around, both throughout the landscapes and within yourself. Tracing the dynamics of the creatures between one another and with their surroundings, these habitats become an expanse to ponder interconnectedness within an otherworldly space, bridging the gap between the unusual and the commonplace.